Frequently Asked

  • The Overlord Academy is an adventure cadet club led by ex-army officers and designed for 6-16 year olds. It is a club full of fun and adventure where you get to learn skills from those who have served in the military. We meet up every week in school term times and there are 2 overnight expeditions we go on each year in the mountains or desert. There are three troops for different age groups. Explorers for Age 6-7 (Year 2) Patrollers for Age 7 to 9 (year 3 & 4), Pioneers for Age 9 to 11 (Year 5 & 6) and Rangers for Age 12 to 16 (Year 7 to 11).

  • Operation Overlord was the codename for the Battle of Normandy in WW2. It was one of the largest operations in military history and involved a great deal of manpower, equipment, logistics, teamwork, bravery and leadership to command. Our academy is inspired by this complex, yet successful operation in Europe.

  • We are not the Scouts and we are not the Army Cadets. We are a new cadet club and a blend of both establishments. We are a fresh, hybrid search and rescue cadet force led by ex-British soldiers and officers. A more adventurous and modern feel to the Scouts with a military undertone from the army cadets is how we want to see ourselves. Our lessons are based on leadership principles from the military and we use scenarios from the armed forces to train in the outdoors to provide more excitement on our expeditions.

  • Yes and we encourage it. Our troops are mixed and we know that girls make some of the best leaders! We have some amazing female instructors who will help to inspire our female cadets.

  • No, there is no shouting, but there is discipline. We are civilians teaching young people and we are not a military camp. This is not the ethos of our academy because a good leader inspires others and doesn't need to shout. We are here to have loads of fun and learn new skills and the instructors will tailor how they deliver the training to suit different needs and age groups. Think of us like a sports instructor that teaches awesome new life skills for children and young people. We promise you will have a lot a fun!

  • Our troops meet up from September to July apart from during the school holidays. The majority of the outdoor activities will occur during the winter months, but the summer months are where we learn the importance behind the theory. You can join just for 1 term if you like and you do not need to sign up to the whole year. But if you join us, we are pretty confident you will want to continue!

  • No. We only learn the principles of leadership, teamwork and outdoor adventure from the British armed forces. We have a ‘military-inspired’ feel to the club so that we make it exciting and adventurous. Under strict adherence to the UAE law, we do not see ourselves as a military club. You will merely learn from ex-military instructors.

  • You get the chance to learn life skills from professionals who have served in the British military all over the world. Similar to the army cadets in the UK, we are all about having loads of fun and adventure while making new friends. We coach you to lead like an army officer and help build your confidence to a level that will make you thrive in later life.

  • There are 4 age groups. The Explorers for age 6-7 (Year 2), The Patrollers for age 7 to 9 (year 3 &4), the Pioneers for age 9 to 11 Year 5 & 6) and the Rangers for age 12 to 16 Year 7 to 11).

  • This is not a fitness club, but it would definitely help if your fitness is to a healthy level. On the weekend expeditions there will be lots of hiking and walking carrying rucksacks, so fitness is always an advantage. However, we do also take part in physical activities as a group to improve our fitness over time as a team.

  • Yes! Please email to check on availability.

  • No. We want to teach the cadets how to lead and work together as a team outside of their comfort zone and immediate family. But dont worry, we are well qualified and experienced in what we do.

  • Yes there is an extra charge to attend our weekend expeditions.